How to Configure an Ouster Sensor with a JSON Payload

This article will discuss the process for setting all the configuration parameters for an Ouster sensor all at once using a JSON payload through the HTTP API.



Configuring with a file, e.g sensor-config.json

The sensor can be configured using a configuration file in JSON format. The format of this file is the same as the output of the TCP command get_config_param active. It has the following format:

{ "auto_start_flag": 1, "azimuth_window": [ 0, 36000 ], "lidar_mode": "2048x10", "multipurpose_io_mode": "INPUT_NMEA_UART", "nmea_baud_rate": "BAUD_9600", "nmea_ignore_valid_char": 0, "nmea_in_polarity": "ACTIVE_HIGH", "nmea_leap_seconds": 0, "phase_lock_enable": false, "phase_lock_offset": 0, "sync_pulse_in_polarity": "ACTIVE_HIGH", "sync_pulse_out_angle": 360, "sync_pulse_out_frequency": 1, "sync_pulse_out_polarity": "ACTIVE_HIGH", "sync_pulse_out_pulse_width": 10, "timestamp_mode": "TIME_FROM_SYNC_PULSE_IN", "udp_ip": "", "udp_port_imu": 7503, "udp_port_lidar": 7502 }

Send the Configuration to Sensor

To send the configuration to the sensor you can use the POST HTTP Request Method. When you POST the sensor-config.jsonfile to the sensor it automatically reinitializes the sensor with the new config.

After you have POST the sensor-config.json file to the sensor you must write the configuration if you would like them to persist after a reboot.

  • Do this with the standard TCP command write_config_txt

HTTP Request Method

POST http://<sensor_hostname>/api/v1/sensor/config

Example httpie Command:

http POST http://<sensor_hostname>/api/v1/sensor/config < /path/to/sensor-config.json

 Example curl Command:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @/path/to/sensor-config.json http://<sensor_hostname>/api/v1/sensor/config

Don’t Forget to Write the Configuration